Singer Lam Truong opened up in a recent interview about his divorce to Y An in October of last year where everything was finalized on court paper. The singer did not provide details on the reasons for the divorce, but was speaking in general about the matter. He explained that there were many reasons for the split like time, work, and not understanding one another. "When two people decide to call it quits, you cannot say who is to blame, right or wrong, good or bad cannot be assessed within one or two days. Whatever decision you make, you have to take responsibility and have no regrets." The singer was very careful in not putting any blame on Y An or himself, and keeping their decisions private. Lam Truong explained that he and Y An can still talk with one another even though they are no longer living together. "No matter what happens, I will never consider the other person as a stranger or enemy. That is the least a man can do." Although the singer was divo...