I randomly came across the picture below of singer Andy Quach and I thought he looks like Vy Nguyen. Seriously, if you look closer or if you seen enough of pictures of Vy. They do look alike? Yea? One or the other is the opposite version of each other maybe. Okay. I admit it; maybe I’m too bored… Nah. By the way I was watching Van Son 36 earlier and finally finished so I will have the review up hopefully tomorrow. For the time being enjoy the pictures below…
Tommy Ngô & Lynda Trang Đài son's name is Neo Bảo Ngô born in 2004. He is 4 this year. Take a look at the photos below. By the way, it is nice to see that the birthday is not too fancy, and seems to be very down to earth, relaxing. A younger looking Neo on his earlier birthday. Who do you think he looks more like, his mom, dad or a mixture of both?
the task.He seems very committed to his music and above all he was there for the temple & his fans. for that reasons AndyQ always gonna be love by portlanders.You're always welcome over here my brother! come back soon.
As for being nice at the charity event, their job is to be nice to people so people will like them and buy their CDs and support them. It's all PR.