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Van Son 36 in Taiwan Review

1. Opening - Vu Doan Dan Toc Dai Loan
2. Yeu Xin Cho Doi Gian - Andy Quach
3. Dem Phuong Nam - Phi Nhung
4. Em Toi - Vuong Nhat Huy
5. Kiep Don Ngheo - Ha Vy
6. Kich: Hoc Tai Thi Phan Viet Huong - Van Son - Bao Liem
7. Xin Yeu Toi Bang Ca Tinh Nguoi - Che Linh
8. China Opera - Vu Doan Dan Toc Dai Loan
9. Bai Khong Ten So 2 - Nguyen Khang
10. 10 Thuong - Nha Thanh
11. Mua Thu La Bay - Xu Nguoi Nho Que - Truong Vu
12. Buoc Nhay Thien Than - Yen Xuan
13. Kich: Dam Cuoi Dau He - Quang Minh - Hong Dao - Hoang Nghia
14. Tan Co: Lay Chong Xu La - Phi Nhung - Kim Tu Long
15. Tra Lai Cho Toi - Tinna
16. Tien Biet - Thanh Tuyen
17. Bai Khong Ten So 8 - Tuan Ngoc
18. Dem Xot Xa - Ngo Thanh Van
19. LK Tinh Nguoi Ky Nu - Che Linh - Truong Vu - Che Phong
20. Con Thuyen Khong Ben - Ngoc Ha
21. Tinh Mai Ben Nhau - Andy Quach - Linda Chou
22. LK Can Nha Ngoai O - Phi Nhung - Ha Vy - Nha Thanh
23. Chieu Phu Tay Ho - Diem Lien
24. Oohala - Cat Tien
25. Kich: Uoc Gi Van Son - Bao Liem
26. Ngay Xua Yeu Dau - VPOP
27. Tam Biet - Tat Ca Nghe Si
28. Phong Su Dac Biet Nguoi Viet Tren Xu Dai - MC Viet Thao

It took me a long to do a review on Van Son 36 in Taiwan because I didn’t get to watch all of the video. Well after I watched the whole thing, I was very touch by it and I recommend Van Son 36, especially the documentary part because it’s important for many people to see the hardship of Vietnamese brides, workers, and maids in Taiwan. Many of us often take advantage of what we have in front us, while others have nothing. The people who attended Van Son 36 show was very excited that it shows in their eyes and face. It was more than a show to them and meant a lot since they have been living in Taiwan for long without getting to communicate normally or experience the entertainment or simply to have a sort of leisure time. They feel lonely and out of place in Taiwan because it is not their home. I really give credit to Van Son for creating their show in Taiwan because they are bringing joy, happiness and hope to the Vietnamese living there. Also the show was free for those who attended, since the production company couldn’t take their money. Away from the touching part, let’s focus on the entertainment acts, which to me really suck. Aside from the comedy plays and the documentary, just about every other performance was not good.

(1) The opening of the show was a dance from Taiwan that was very colorful with nice music. The dance was something you see at New Year carnival or community events. It was not really my thing so I only saw part of it.
(2) The second performance was from Andy Quach and he looked like a waiter at a restaurant. I wonder who dress these singers, because they can do better than that. I’m not very fond of Andy Quach, so I didn’t really listen to him sing. I basically fast forward his act after a few seconds.
(3) Next up was Phi Nhung and she did well as usual. I’m not into the kind of songs she sings so I didn’t watch all of it. But she was one of the better performances in the show.
(4) Vuong Nhat Huy sang “Em Toi.” I didn’t even know who this guy was. He must be new. His voice wasn’t strong and he sang like running water… “nuoc la.” The way he looked…. I didn’t know where to start.
(5) Ha Vy sang “ Kiep Don Ngheo,” which she made people cried and also herself. I watched seconds of it and the fast forward not because she did a bad job; it’s just not my type of music once again. She did a good job.
(6) The first comedy play by Van Son and Bao Liem was okay, not great.
(7) When Viet Thao introduced the upcoming song, he said that the media led to the suicidal death of Che Linh’s wife. Che Linh thought he could not love anymore but he eventually met up with someone and wrote the song “Xin Yeu Toi Bang Ca Tinh Nguoi,” which he sang on the show. I’m really curious about what happened to his wife.
(8) China Opera, another dance act with singing this time…opera style. Fast forward.
(9) Nguyen Khang sang next, singing a famous song “Bai Khong Ten So 2.” He has a good voice similar to Tuan Ngoc but still need to work on. Seriously Nguyen Khang looks so much older for his age, with all those wrinkles on his forehead. Maybe he needs to see Ban Si Vu Ban.
(10) Nha Thanh did a good job. She will always find a job since it is rare to find young people who want to sing Vietnamese folk songs. Also I thought the costume used in the performance was nice.
(11) Truong Vu sang two well-known old songs. He did a good job. It’s not my type of music even though I admire it; it’s too depressing to listen to. By the way he dressed it reminded me of Nguyen Hung when he duet with Nhu Quynh in PBN singing “Ben Thuong Hai.”
(12) Van Son keeps bringing in new singers and now it is Yen Xuan. She looked good and could perform, but her voice was weak and wasn’t good. When someone doesn’t sound good or have good vocals they sing familiar songs or fun dance songs to take the attraction away from their voice and I think Yen Xuan did that. Like when that dude from Paris Night Talent Show 2007 sang the song, “O Me Ly” and Duc Huy said that the audience is cheering for the song and not his singing. Yeah…
(13) Second comedy act by Quang Minh, Hong Dao, and Hoang Nghia was all right. I missed a few seconds of the beginning and was lazy to rewind it. But overall it was not very funny but it was ok.
(14) Phi Nhung and Kim Tu Long did a good duet. They are good choices for that type of music. Kim Tu Long still look the same when I saw him long ago in Vietnam, same girly look. Too much surgery.
(15) Tinna is part Czech and part Vietnamese. I find it interesting and cool that she writes her own song in Vietnamese. The song was good but too bad I didn’t understand what she was singing most of the time. But she looked great. Tinna looked a bit like Shayla, Thanh Truc, Angelina Jolie and Evanescence at certain angle. Lol. She sounded like she was biting her tongue or something. I need to hear her sing in English or some other language.
(16) “Tien Biet” by Thanh Tuyen. Fast forward.
(17) Another untitled song, this time # 8 by Tuan Ngoc. I bet he sounded good. Usually with these types of song and singers like Tuan Ngoc, I fast forward.
(18) “ Dem Xot Xa” is a good job but sadly Ngo Thanh Van isn’t a good singer. I haven’t seen her acting yet, but I think she should stick to modeling. Some people said on You Tube that they could by pass her singing because she looks good. They judge on overall performance. Haha. She reminded of the Addams Family. Also the beat of the song was very Middle Eastern.
(19) I actually wanted to see this performance because I know Che Linh’s son Che Phuong is in it. Che Phuong sounds like his dad but doesn’t look as good. I don’t like his hair. Overall I think it was a good. Truong Vu and Che Linh also performed.
(20) I thought after Ngoc Ha left Paris By Night she stayed with Asia to get a make over. I guess her contract expired and Asia decided to drop her since they couldn’t get much out of her. She should have stayed at Thuy Nga and sing those scary music. I mean, Asia said they would make her younger and give her younger songs to sing and so on. But no matter what, Ngoc Ha cannot appear younger and singing popish songs. Her face and voice do not fit at all. So anyway, I was like surprise to see her. She wore this white dress that reminded of me of Thuy Duong, the singer that used to sing at Asia. It was odd; her outfit doesn’t match with the song. Ngoc Ha looked like a bridesmaid.
(21) Andy Quach and Linda Chou sang a song originally sang by Jackie in the movie “The Myth” call Endless Love. This performance was half good; the Linda Chou part. Linda Chou won the singing idol 2006 or something and she’s half Chinese and Vietnamese apparently. She has a good voice but her face looked strange to me, it was like she was singing side way the whole time. Andy Quach looked so short in the grayish outer space outfit. Andy Quach usually looks good but in this video, he looked really unattractive and perverted in his eyes and when he smiled.
(22) Phi Nhung, Ha Vy, and Nha Thanh. They did Good. And had very colorful outfits.
(23) For a second there I thought Ngoc Ha was singing. I thought it was Ngoc Ha’s job to moan and groan and scare us. I was surprised that Diem Lien took on the song instead… Interesting. Diem Lien did a good job and I like her outfit.
(24) :x creepy intro by Viet Thao when he slowly said “Ohh La La.” So this is originally a Thai song, no surprise there. Cat Tien looked like she came back from Egypt, but it was cool. However the dancing and the song was not good.
(25) This comedy play is the best of the three. Van Son and Bao Liem were really funny. I always taught Van Son could sing. In this comedy play, he could really sing and with a nice warm voice. Van Son is way better than today’s professional singers. Lol.
(26) VPOP has two new guys? The two guys who sang first looked weird… I can’t tell any of members apart aside from the lead singer. The guy isn’t good looking but he has an awesome voice. VPOP sang “Ngay Xua Yeu Dau,” which was a good song.

THE END! Wow, the audience was so energetic and excited to meet the singers.
The documentary with Viet Thao was good and touching. I don’t want to talk too much into the sad stories told by the people there, but you should watch it for yourself and see to become aware of the kind of things that is going on. One of the fun moments was when Viet Thao went to find those insects for medicine making and he was so afraid screaming all the time. In the end he ate of the fried one and it was gross. Also a favorite scene of mine was the food section lol. Viet Thao showed the different kind of food in Taiwan and it looked so good. The documentary was very good. Go watch it!

P.S. I can’t wait to see Van Son in Kingdom of Cambodia!

P.S.S. Without Viet Thao as the host Van Son would be nothing. Seriously. VT is the bomb!


Anonymous said…
What valid evidence do you have that Nguyen Khang is Tuan Ngoc's son? I don't think they are related in any way, but do you have any proof?
Karly said…
Sorry for about the misleading info. They are not related. Nguyen Khang just looks like to Tuan Ngoc and imitate his style.
Anonymous said…
I was interested in buying Van Son 36 not too long ago until I read your review. First of all, I apologize for any rude comments. Please excuse me if I offended you in any way. It is not done out of bad intentions; I'm just trying to be honest.
When someone is thinking of buying, say, Van son 36, they want to know about the singing, acting, overall performances, music, stage presentation, & the audiences. You did just a little bit of that. However you fast forward too much! lol. Slow down alittle & give yourself a chance to notice the detail parts. Whether good or bad, we consumers wanted to hear about their overall performances before buying the dvds. So a good knowledge of the dvd is needed for a good review. I don't think we would be interested to know this chick looks hot, this guy got too much plastic surgery..he did this to her...and so so on. Please don't talk about their looks or personal stories. we could always leave this up to the audience for their own judgements.
Karly said…
thanks. i understand. im sorry that my review is not good quality. -_-' i do not recommend my reviews for those serious about what you said singing, stage, etc. the things i mentioned are the stuff im interested in and i find it funny or whatever.

if you are looking to buy a quality dvd i recommend thuy nga or asia over van son because van son for once isnt good. you get people like ngo thanh van and andy quach, cat tien etc that are there to lure the young audiences and fans. the other singers veteran like truong vu are always good. van son is fun to watch and their theme and traveling thing is good. but in term of stage set up, singing abillity, informative show, i would definitely recommend thuy nga and asia. asia for the war and old school songs.
Karly said…
one more thing, you should definitely not buy vs 36 this one isnt good at all but the documentary is great though.
Anonymous said…
Yeah, Nguyen Khang is not Tun Ngoc sons. They do sing alike. I know a fe people who lived in NK neighborhood and I'm sure if TV was NK dad's they would have mentinoed it to me already.

I thought VD 36 was good simply because it's consistence. It's not a must buy or anything but I would take time to watch it if I get a copy of it. However, I did buy this one out of boredom.

Karly, you could review the DVD, then compare it to some other DVD by that company so people may have a reference to compare to.
Anonymous said…
I loved your blog. Thank you.

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