There was a rumor going around that Asia’s leading singer Bang Tam and Ho Le Thu from Thuy Nga Paris By Night were fighting over the same man. Rumor had it that the two singers were involved with a rich old man in Houston. It turned out that the man was with Ho Le Thu for more than two years but later on was spotted with Bang Tam. While doing a show together in Houston, Bang Tam made the man choose between her and Ho Le Thu. It ended that Bang Tam had won over Ho Le Thu.
My Thoughts: I find this rumor to be funny. But stories like this are a regular. Don’t be quickly to pick side on this one. Although it might seem like Ho Le Thu is the “fox” in this story, one person commented that “Băng Tâm hát hay, nhưng không có hiền đâu đó nghen.” The translation, she isn’t as nice and gentle as her singing. Haha. Yeah, don’t think you can pick on her.
Interesting love triangle eh?
To: Ziet Cong, you seriously need to chill, why dont you try and form a love rectangle with Bang Tam, Ho Le Thu and the old man if you're so passionate about this.
The blogger clearly is trying to entertain us with whatever news she has and she's doing a great job with it. She isn't the one spreading the rumor, you dumb ass. She acknowledges that this is a rumor and wants to share with everyone about it, duh. And you need to check your grammar because you sounds too FOBBY!!! just got off the boat or something, my man?
can you sing better HLT or BT?
No right? then you're not better any them.
I was looking for something else, but the search returned this completely unrelated content, and it's cheered me up a lot. There was Thu Phuong or someone riding a bike to work forever and practicing, then another friend spoke of how cutthroat Thuy Nga is, and now two fashion plates argue over whom they can use for a buck to their own end--- and people get sooooo excited!
Truoc 75 might have been different, but the whole Viet music industry looks so slick and (over-) produced, why should it matter who rumours what? Even the lights on something like PBN should be in Rammstein, they're so tacky (though the lip-synch thing is a convention that seems to fit the yeu factor well enough).
With a dirtbag like Edison Chen and his laptop full of DIY porn in the Chinese film market, poor (and virtuous) VN becomes something of a sad caricature with its bourgeois preoccupation with shows (that killer expensive bridge trick!), resorts and foreign money (and aptly called hos grabbing it) while the rest of the country still hungers.
Unless all are willing to strip off the makeup, effects, really good session players (incl. the drummer with that tired beatnik hat) and production that's bigger than talent itself- just enjoy the sheer spectacle of it. The real face of Vietnam's art that isn't trying to be something it ain't, incl. mimicking all the good and bad from the West, is the treasure to be held as really dac biet. The rest of this is just for fun, I'm sure. Enjoy the cat fights!