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Trinh Hoi Divorced His Second Wife?

Rumors have been circulating for quite some times that Trinh Hoi's second marriage to Mai Thy is coming to an end and a lot quicker than expected. The beloved emcee and activist has been suffering quite a lot of blow to his reputation from talks about his one night with a mystery woman at Pechanga Casino to being a graceless player. Trinh Hoi responded to the one night with anger on Facebook. i was alone in my room the whole night. so please stop asking me questions on my own FB! He has been described as much of a dreamer, a wanderer and less of a family man. Ex wife, Ky Duyen described him as someone who still needs to find himself.

After his marriage with Mai Thy, the two has a son named Phi whom Trinh Hoi wrote a blog post about titled "Phi Con." In the blog post he talks about his love for his son and how he's going to be there and take care of him. However, Trinh Hoi remains a people person traveling around helping others through various projects and is neglecting his own family. Apparently this is the reason that his wife is fed up with him according to the rumors. He is currently in Manila, Philippines away from his family in the United States.

Trinh Hoi shared on Facebook status that after 7 years, 2 wives, a green card, 2 mortgages, and a tattoo named phi, think I'm ready to leave uncle sam! Is he leaving his family behind? In a recent blog post here, he shared about his survival plan away from home. I'll eat and live with some refugees in the office like the old days... And the money from emceeing in the U.S. entertainment show that comes every one or two month will be used to take care of Trinh Phi... So there you have it folks... You do decide for yourself what's going on. Maybe he's separated for now and ...   Who knows. Rumors are rumors until then, only time will tell. So stay tune.


Anonymous said…
Good luck on the 3rd and 4th marriages... And how in the hell can you afford any mortgages if you have no damn money? Emcee pays what? A thousands or two at best that's if you can even have hosting job. And I doubt anyone who kows how to think would ever hire you to host weddings. We all know you lived off Ky Duyen through her child supports and divorce settlement. A-hole is still going to be A-hole. It's nice to know that you parents are "good people" and having raised a son like you, I doubt they are any good.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
I totally agree with the other 2 anonymous.... and don't have time to comment for this "Bisex" lol
Anonymous said…
His second wife had a one night stand with him and got pregnant, that's why they got married. I feel sorry for the innocent kid that had to be born by two sluts. They both deserve each other because they go around trying to see how many peoples they can screw to get money from.
Anonymous said…
I LOVE the previous comments. Ha ha. I never enjoy watching T. Hoi in any shows. I do not understand why people pay to see him on stage. I paid to see Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Ngan and will keep doing so any chance I've got.
Phan said…

Lạ thật Tôi nghe nói Trịnh Hội là một tên lường gạt ái tình ham danh háo sắc cả trai lẩn gái bỏ trách nhiệm với vợ con chạy trốn theo gái tận mù xa con người không có đạo đức, vô lương tâm thế mà hôm nay còn lên tiếng tư vệ bản thân mình đúng là phường lừa thầy phản bạn. Nếu Tôi không lầm thì tên Hội và Duy là một đoi bạn Chí thân bao năm nay bây giơ quay ngược lại tố khổ bạn mình là Đảng Viêt tân thế mới đồ tồi bất nhân bất nghĩa vì muốn bợ đít cho Cộng sản như nguyen cao ky nên đả quay lưng bán đứng bạn thật là một hành động xấu xa Bỉ ổi chưa từng thấy bà con tẩy chay tên lường gạt phản Quốc này đi
Theo tôi nghỉ TH không có gì làm cho nên muốn nổi tiếng làm việc từ thiện để lấy danh tiếng cho mình con người ham danh ham tiền như TH làm sao tránh khỏi, nếu là Luật sư sao không có bằng Luật sư, và đả cải vụ kiện nào chưa? và văn Phòng Luật sư ở đâu? tất cả là không có chỉ là bề ngoài để lường gạt qua mắt bà con thiên hạ mà thôi. còn nói là chống cộng thì sao vê vn cộng tác vn quay film sau khi bị cấm vào vn quay lưng lại noi chống cộng sản ?? khó hiểu nha

cac' ban. vao` xem :


Anonymous said…
Public Records Show that a Divorce is in process..... and it shows he is a sack of SH*T Liar...... what a dumass.
JohnVo said…
Tôi củng nhận xét Trịnh Hội chỉ hửu danh vô thực, đối với cha mẹ là tên bất hiếu, đối với vợ không chung thuỷ, đối với con thì không có lương tâm khi bé còn nhỏ cần sự chăm sóc của người cha, một ngươi cha vô đạo đức vậy gặp tôi đây củng ly dị him, vả lại he là người của 2 phái nửa gay mà nhửng người việt củng đả từng gặp him trong hotel với con trai ở houston, với cộng đồng người việt là một trò bịp bợm, mượn danh giúp người sự thật tiền giúp cộng đồng 1 tiền bỏ vào túi thì nhiều, nếu he có bằng luật sư sao không đi làm chánh đáng phải lang thang làm mc chẳng qua vì ham danh, ham tiền bỏ mặc vợ con đói khổ, trong khi con nằm trong nhà thương khẩn cấp mà đi qua mả lai vinh danh ten phản quốc Nguyển cao kỳ có phải tên TH ham danh đi bợ ngươi ta không biết nhục, tôi không phải ác ý gì TH bị vợ bỏ là phải rồi
Anonymous said…
You guys are a bunch of hater! He is a wonderful person and so is ex wife and current wife. They sre smart and talented people.

Nguoi Viet vói nhau het ma khong biet benh vuc nhau, chi biet chia re. That là xau ho va dau lòng.

Anonymous said…
What are you haters basing your opinion on? Personally know of or directly interacted with him? If not, then don't be mean and brainless and say groundless things that can hurt people, say his own son. Not to mention being absolutely disrespectful to his parents - if they weren't proper parents they wouldn't have raised a boy who can go all the way to completing his masters at Oxford and serving refugees. How many of you can say you've even finished a degree? How many can say I'll give up the comfort of my day job (and home) to go to rough foreign places and volunteer myself to help the underprivileged? Oh, cat got your tongue? Oh, let me see, you over there - aren't you ripping the public system with government handouts whist working cash in hand (and not pay your taxes too for that matter!). And you over there, aren't you working 10 hours a day slaving around for your money so you can buy a nicer car and designer handbags at the cost of spending less time with your own family? Hmm... guess you're not all pristine and perfect yourselves. I don't know Trinh Hoi and he may have flaws in his heart and personality but like all of us, he's only human. But for his work and sacrifices for the refugees alone, he's already a cut above most of us!
Anonymous said…
Hey...shut up for some stpid comments. .trinh hoi even better than a good lawyers out there, can u tell me if anyone out there do work like he did for more than 3000 refugee...hey forks better shut up .same on you...he knew what he doing...can u guys name if any viet lawyer out there do work like what he did?or just looking at your wallet. ..can you open your eyes and see, stop comments bad thing about him.....shut up...........................
Anonymous said… amazing these people comments are. Get a job willyaaaaaa. Spread the love willya.....i feel so ashame checking into this blog.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
thoi gian gan day,Mu Ca Dam,tuy tuoi doi da qua date !Dung NHan tan ta ! Mu lam nhung tro he,nho nhang,cung ke ke co mot ga Viet Kieu,ma Mu tu gioi thieu la Luat Su
o My ? Sao.Mu la Luat Su,Trinh Hoi,
Luat su ? Den ga nay,cung la L/S ?
se con bao nhieu Luat-Su nua,den voi Mu ? Mot lu luat su Dom !
Anonymous said…

Anonymous said…
i dont care what about his life is, what i see he is not good MC at all....unproffesional...
Anonymous said…
Leave him alone, people! Trinh Hoi! If it's truth about the 2nd divorce, pull yourself together, stand up & start all over again. Do what you need to do! Ignore what people say!
Anonymous said…
People! it's alright to be opinionated, but don't bring one's parents in to it.

I could careless about how he live his life. However if he is irresponsible for his role as a father, and a husband then he should be reflecting upon it. If he knew that his mission is to be helping a gazillion refugee in other countries, which is an awesome mission by the way then he should live up to that. Which is simply put on the damn condom.

Having a master at Oxford means nothing to me honestly. You can be book smart, but when it comes to actually working and become successful in a corporate world, that is a whole different story. Which I think is the skill that he lacked. As result, he then default to helping out the refugee.

The thing that makes me furious is the innocent child that he claim he loves so much. Yet he could not do much for him. To the last comment about starting it over. I just hope history won't repeat itself.

I'm not a fan or an anti-fan... I just think that it's time that he step up to his role as a father.
Anonymous said…
Thằng ngạn tên đồ tể ,tể đồ,gian tế ,gian thần ngụy quân tử
Thằng ngạn tên con đồ mất dại,thằng chột bần tiện
Anonymous said…
Thằng ngạn show đầu trâu mặt lơn đuôi chó
Tuyen Nguyen said…
Hay nhin nhung viec y nghia ma Trinh Hoi da lam giup biet bao nhieu nguoi ti nan o Phi Luat Tan duoc dinh cu* o xu tu do. Van dong ve nhan quyen cho mot Vietnam dan chu? Mot con nguoi song co long voi dan toc va dat nuoc nhu vay con doi hoi gi o anh ay nua. Thu hoi nhung nguoi chung ta co may ai lam duoc nhung viec y nghia nay?
Anonymous said…
Ở đâu có vn là ở đó có thị phi.
Kg muốn dính tới vn nữa. Chán.
Anonymous said…
Những người chửi bậy càng nhiều. ..thì thường bản thân họ chẳng ra gì. Rảnh, thất nghiệp thì mới có thì giờ ngồi lê lết trên mạng. Những người làm việc đầu tắt mặt tối làm gì có thì giờ lên đây dông dài chứ?
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Why are people so harsh on others. And they are perfect?
Unknown said…
Hay o cho la Ngay Xua cong dong VN khen mai TH va KD. Bay gio thay nguoi ta nga thi lai Nhoi them Mot Cu !!! Hay Hay Hay...Nguoi Viet HAY
Anonymous said…
Well said. I am not Trinh Hoi fan but I can see where you come from. Haters give our community a bad name.
Anonymous said…
Thanh ngu co cau" o trong chan moi biet chan co ran" hay la" nha ai thi den nay sang" toi chua nghe KD noi ve TH cho nen mien ban chuyen cua nguoi khac- may nguoi nhieu chuyen qua- lo chuyen cua nha minh di!
phan van dan said…
Anonymous said…
Ở đây cũng không hiểu thật sự những kẻ (cứ tiếp) đi coi và ủng hộ thằng lùn bần nguyễn ngọv ngạn và con chó Nguyễn cao kỳ duyên nói xấu mĩa mai VUA của nó đem nó lên từ lúc con này từ lúc làm bồi bàn và bỏ qua luật làm mc để nhiều người để ý vậy mà nói xấu Vua của nó mĩa mai để cho họ bị cười hoặc không may nhưng nó cứ tưởng tất cả mọi người đều ngu hết không vạch ra sau ý đồ lời nói của nó. Cha nó thằng kỳ mỹ họ đâu có nhìn, thằng cha này lái xe máy bay đi cưới mẹ Mai của nó ôm xùm con mẹ Mai cũng lấy rồi cũng bỏ khi qua đây. Con Mai này cũng bị mua vì tiền vì thế, sau này cha nó thất thế nó không có giúp ổng mà bỏ ổng.
Adele said…
This may not sound fair, because it’s not

But did you know that you can be a guy’s dream girl...

I mean, you can literally check off every box on his “perfect woman” list...

But if you mess up this one thing, he’ll drop you the second another option comes along?

My friend James Bauer discovered this missing “secret ingredient” all men are constantly searching for in a woman.

And most women have no clue it exists because guys aren’t even aware of it.

We just KNOW when it’s missing.

===> The “Secret Ingredient” to obsessive love <=====

The really cool thing is, when you know how to give a man this “secret ingredient”...

It will send a shockwave of desire for you straight to his brain and he will HAVE to have you.

In fact, when you do this... watch his face light up, almost as if he’s just been zapped.

It’s that moment when he says to himself “Where have you BEEN all my life?”

Every woman should know this. Check it out here: ====> Why men leave “perfect” women... <=====

Unknown said…
Don't talk bad about TH. He's a good guy and everybody knows that. Leave him alone!! TH rocks!!!😝
Anonymous said…
I know TH personally and he is a Crook.
Unknown said…
If you don't know TH on a personal level, have never even met him in person, shut up now. Don't spread lies that are vicious and cruel. Everyone has only one life to live and I am sure he is trying to do his best. Who are you to judge??

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