I took this picture on July 10th, 2007 when I went to the beach for a day
Hey everyone, I will be leaving this weekend to the beach with my family so I will not be able to do any updates or post anything new for about three days. This is something that I do every summer with my family. I’m really excited; the beach is one my favorite place to go. I just love the sounds and the air, which make me feel so relax. Hopefully getting away from the city’s air I can feel more peaceful and help me spark new ideas. Well, I will miss you guys even though I don’t know who you are. However you should know that whenever I post something, I think of you guys and imagine an audience who reads my blog regularly. Creepy huh? Not really because every writer or so have to have an audience that they appeal to even if it just him or herself. Yup. So I will have fun and you too. Have a great weekend!