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Quang Dung & Jennifer Pham – Parents To Be?

Rumors circulated and news all over Vietnam reported that beauty queen Jennifer Pham is two months pregnant and so singer Quang Dung will be a daddy soon. Quang Dung and Jennifer Pham had their engagement ceremony in July 25, 2007 at Sofitel Plaza in Vietnam. And the wedding is still undergoing for September 21, 2007 in America. The two has been dubbed the perfect pair since Quang Dung is a successful and talented singer while Jennifer Pham the beautiful pageant winner. With a lot of things going their way, Jennifer Pham and Quang Dung will be busy for the rest of the year. I want to say good luck to the two and hopefully their love will be long lasting to surpass the test of time.


Anonymous said…
Please use your spell check next time.
Anonymous said…
The boy can't sing and seems like he tries to immitate some other existing Vietnamese singers.
He might has the look that attracts to some girls.
Anonymous said…
Chuc mung Quang Dung & Jennifer sap duoc lam Cha Me...

And to the person made comment about Quang Dung's voice. P..Please, just because you don't like it, don't hurt other fans's feeling. I think he sing really good. Who had more hit songs than him?
Anonymous said…
I also would like to extend my sincere wishes to the perfect couple. This is great news to them. They both are well liked by Vietnamese people living here in VN.
Anonymous said…
congratulations to Quang Dung and Jennifer Pham. i think Quang Dung sings great and Jeniifer is very pretty

they deserve this good news. :)
Anonymous said…
it's true that jennifer pham and quang dung are perfect couple together. Roughly in english translation, talented boy and pretty girl. But one thing you should know. Jennifer Pham dumped her ex-boyfriend, whom she has been dating for seven years in high school and before broke up. her ex was the one that developed her way in becoming a beauty queen. He worked hard for all the years since he known her just to support her. But in agony, Jennifer betrayed him for chasing after a rich singer, Quang Dung. I'm not sure about this point, but i was told from her ex-boyfriends' friends that she was a two-timer when she was dating with him and had another affair with Quang Dung. Of course, i think Quang DUng knows too , but he didn't care i guess, cause she was a BEAUTY QUEEN and he's getting old. What man's luck can marry such a beauty queen, so that might be the reason why Quang Dung married her.
Anonymous said…
Yes,Quang Dung is a singer,and Jennifer Pham is a Beauty Queen.We can enjoy his singing,and her beauty.I just do not like the way JP betrayed her ex boy friend' s love.Is that boy she gave birth QD's child? Some said NO,that is not his child. What do you think about their characters? For me, it is time for Jennifer Pham to speak up ! I do not like people just run for beauty,money and fame( at any cost) like Jennifer Pham,and Quang Dung.
Anonymous said…
Please people, just because JP's relationship with her ex didn't work out then you have to make it a big deal. Don't tell me you've never broken up with anyone before. It's not the freakin 1800s anymore, people nowadays don't necesarrily have to marry their first love. And your question was how come JP doesn't speak up? Well, I'm pretty sure she's got better things to do than mind about your bullshit.

To Jennifer Pham and her family, there are many people out there who support you two. Wish you and your family all the best with great happiness.
Anonymous said…
People can have their own opinions. Please do not talk the way you know everything,and you are everybody. Don't you hear : Noi tieng = Tai tieng ? Let people talk,you cannot stop them. I do not think QD and JP are admired that much. If QD and JP cannot answer what we would like to know,they can keep their mouths shut. Anyway, who cares about them?
Anonymous said…
Are you sure that both are well liked by the Vietnamese living in VN? Jennifer Pham is not so liked in the USA,that is why she married to Quang Dung and can be famous ,esp. in VN . Not many Vietnamese in US knows her at all.They may know her now since they know Quang Dung as a singer.
Anonymous said…
I watched Asia Mua he ruc ro,but I do not care much about Jennifer Pham and Trang Pham. Yes,in that Asia program, Jennifer Pham confessed that she loved her 7- year boyfriend.By the way, I can extend my sympathy to her ex boyfriend: There are still many beautiful ladies who may love you more than that ambitious Jennifer Pham.She cannot become a Doctor as she said too much about...
Anonymous said…
Sorry,I mean Jennifer Pham confessed she loved her boy friend already for 7 years ( not 7- year boyfiend ,that is too young to be loved).
Anonymous said…
Jennifer Pham said in Asia" Mua he ruc ro" that we,young Vietnamese people ,should keep the Traditional Culture of Vietnam ,and soon later she was 3-4 month pregnant at her wedding with Quang Dung. Is that traditional Culture of Vietnam: Dam cuoi chay bau? I think she let herself get pregnant to make sure she can grab the fortune of well -known money making singer Quang Dung and grab this guy" ham Hoa hau" . Jennifer Pham is good to see only,she is not good to listen to. What a scandal !
Anonymous said…
how old is quang dung?
Vi3tSweetH3art said…
Older than you think!He might be like around his 30 i guess.....
Anonymous said…
các bạn có biết la jennifer phạm hồi đó làm gái cafe không vậy ? chú me thường hây uống chỗ nó làm
Anonymous said…
Jennifer Pham dung la khong biet nhuc. Do con gai khong biet vo liem si la cai gi. Con gai moi lon ma sac cai lon cho con trai du. Dung la mot ba me co con truoc khi dam cuoi. No may man la than Quang Dung cuoi no, neu khong thi trac no dap dau tu tu qua a.
Anonymous said…
QD is not handsome at all and JP is not pretty,don't belive? check out the movie "Nhung chiec la thoi gian" what's so perfect about them? Don't be jealous because peo said they're a perfect couple, who would actually care?

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