My Tam expanded her work into creating a new fragrant Mytime. The new fragrant showcases her in interest in business and also creating a new label for herself. Mytime is a new series of fragrances for both men and women created by MT Entertainment together with My Pham Saigon over an 8 months period. My Tam’s job is to work on the covering and selecting 4-fragment scent for the label. According to My Tam, the inspiration for the new creation comes from the idea that time is very precious and that there are certain scent that bring up unforgettable memory. Also part of the sales money will be use in charity to help out people in need in Vietnam. Mytime is planning to be released international especially in America and Europe.
"Mytime - Stylish is a yerning and enegetic scent of fruity and floral fragrance with low notes of sandalwood."

"Mytime - Manly is a stylish and magnetic scent for men with fresh, woody fragrance combined with sparkling notes of citrus, violet leaves and vetiver."

"My Time - Charming is an elegant fragrance of attractive rose blended with fresh orange flower and tender wood."

"Mytime - Passionate is an exquisite fragrance of passion flower blended with jasmine, vanilla and vetiver."

Luv U much,
George M.
Right now I think you can only purchase it in Vietnam or if you can find a website from Vietnam that does order outside of the country.