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Trịnh Hội Working in Vietnam

Pictures of a now thinner and blacker Trịnh Hội roaming Vietnam circulates the Internet with a slogan that reads “wife Kỳ Duyên is worry” if their marriage will last with husband and wife so far apart. He is a young, down to earth, fun, kind and a handsome guy, so who wouldn’t love him? And especially when Trịnh Hội commented in an interview that he's easily swindle by women, Kỳ Duyên has got to be worry. Since most Vietnamese from the Philippines are free from the country, his MC job has been ups and downs with little promise, and working in America as a lawyer requires a renewal of his license, therefore Trịnh Hội signed a two years contract to work in Vietnam working as lawyer for some very famous and well-known people who are young and spirited. There are talks that Trịnh Hội wants to extend the contract. All seems to be great for him but what about his family over in America? Kỳ Duyên is juggling work and two daughters in America and still tries to find time to visit her husband in Vietnam hoping to keep the love warm. How will this affect their relationship? Of course we all hope that Trịnh Hội and Kỳ Duyên can withstand the obstacles. No one wants to see a trouble marriage.


Anonymous said…
I hope they make it. It would be sad if he sway.
Anonymous said…
i dont know if Viet girls in Vietnam love you for real, or that for money or a chance to come to America. For any guys who visit vietnam, here's an advice: dont' get emotionally attached to those girls in Saigon, Danang, or other big provinces (i assume most of you barely travel to the north for leisure anyway). Those girls are there just to suck you out of your doing anything, faking anything..So Trinh Hoi, i hope you don't fall into that pithole.
Lizalanga said…
Watch your grammar lady: she worried or she worries or she is worried
Anonymous said…
There are countless of ladies who are much smarter, nicer and prettier than Ky Duyen. But Trinh Hoi will probably end up with some some lousy ones as he does now. Please don't insult Vietnamese girls in Vietnam just because they're not oversea Vietnamese. A lot of you still have mothers, sisters, daughters, aunts, and cousins in Vietnam. Please let them respect you that you're civilized, educated, considered and kind. Thanks for reading! -- Son Le.
Anonymous said…
It`s Thih Hois business, they are together or not no one care. They need people buy show tickets so they can live. Why bother to know about their relationship survive or not? We all have our own.
Anonymous said…
Why he did not renew his lawyer license? Because he does not have the capability? or he just got his lawyer license in Australia by cheating so now he cannot ...
Anonymous said…
I think Ky Duyen is older than her husband, no? This link mentions her family, Time article dated 1969 and had her as a 3 year old at the time.,9171,839719,00.html?promoid=googlep
Karly said…
um.. she is older than him, which was why Nguyen Ngoc Ngan joked in one of the pbn videos, saying she likes younger guys.
Anonymous said…
Vang toi dong y ! voi ban minh cung la nguoi Vietnam cung la phan gai Vietnam nhung minh phai noi o noi nao cung deu co nhung nguoi xau va nguoi tot ,chu ko phai ai ai cung xau ca nhung theo toi ghi co nhung su that trong xa hoi doi khi minh cam thay no that truoc mat cua minh .Nhung lai la bo mat gia doi trong cuoc doi ,,, day la mot cau chuyen that moi happen a week ago Minh co mot nguoi ban la con trai He ko dep lam nhung tanh tinh that la tot nhung moi toi vert lazy abit cho nen may em gai ben nay che ko thich :) ve Vietnam bi mot em hot ca hon roi lam giay to bao lanh sang ben nay ... Minh nhin co may rat ngot very sweet talk va polite lam nhung tuong the chu ko phai the dau ban a .. Chi la cho dung thoi co va not dich cua co ta .. The la gio nay she's say bye bye ko mot lan nhin lai xem coi nguoi ay tot va lo cho minh nhu the nao . Ko bac day ko bac co ay di lam chi di HOC va lo cho chinh minh ,,,Nhung cuoc doi la the neu nhu co ai do VIETNAM kiem vo tre hien lanh thi can than mot chuc DOI KO NHU LA MO .. Day chi la mot cau chuyen moi nhat cua minh con rat nhieu nguoi ban cua minh cung "same as above" co nguoi co baby cang kho con nguoi nao mai mang ko involve den tre em vo toi .... Con duong la vo minh chon ko ai ep minh ca nhung co doi khi no la mot bai hoc ma minh an han ca cuoc doi ... Va dam ra ghet phu nu va dan ba nay tren the gian la the do ?????...
Anonymous said…
Em trai cua toi qua My luc 7 tuoi, co nguoi ban gioi thieu mot co o VN, ve tham co ta vai lan, muon tien 3 ngan do nhung khong tra.

Mot truong hop khac, ong ban ben My quen mot co o VN, dinh cuoi, nhung khong thanh, co ta ton cho co ta cung
30 ngan do

Di nhien cung co nhung nguoi thanh that, va nhung dam cuoi thanh cong, nhung su lua dao la mang toi, khong nen

Con ten Trinh Hoi va Ky Duyen, co vo ma con ngoai tinh la dieu khong tot, con nguoi khong thanh that cung chang co gi dang torng
Anonymous said…
Ky Duyen so ugly without make up eel!
Anonymous said…
luv u longgggggggggggggtime
Anonymous said…
Who even cares about Trinh Hoi or NCKD and their love lives ...
They like to make publicity stunt. That's all. It's all "phising" for publicity ...
Anonymous said…
Can I write in Vietnammes so anyone can read?
Trịnh Hội & Kỳ Duyên chỉ là nhưng nguoi muon duoc noi tieng thoi. Ngoai ra chang co gi dac biet.
Neu kg co Ngoc Ngan thi Ky duyen la Vo Duyen chu Ky Duyen an thua gi.

Trịnh Hội là Đĩ Đực. Kỳ Duyên là khát tình va thich trai tơ. Có gi lạ đâu.
Con cua mot cựu Tong Thong ma khat tinh yeu hay khat SEX?. Ky Duyen khong make up thi con thua mot co gai que mua
Anonymous said…
post video Trinh Hoi & Ky Duyen

Neu la toi, thi toi mac cở lam.
Vi dam cuoi linh dinh ma chua duoc 2 nam lai thay nhu thay ao thay quan.
Vay ma khong thay xau ho Ky Duyen con dua nguoi tinh moi ve vn de khoe. Khong biet nguoi dan ong moi cua Ky Duyen se bi Ky Duyen nhồi bóp đến bao lâu thi lai chia tay đây.
Quy vi hay rán cho ít thang nua the nao cung co tin giat gan cua Ky Duyen. Ky Duyen khong the thieu dan ong. Va phai co mot luc hai dan ong moi thoa man
That la uong cho mot co gai VN , dep, cung tam co duyen nhung lai uong qua khong thua gi mot gai diem khat TIEN.
Trinh Hoi ngu gi ma khong xai than xac Ky Duyen cho thoa man. Ngu gi, Vi Ky Duyen thich trai to ma. Dung khong quy vi
phamman88 said…
i dont know if Viet girls in Vietnam love you for real, or that for money or a chance to come to America. For any guys who visit vietnam, here's an advice: dont' get emotionally attached to those girls in Saigon, Danang, or other big provinces (i assume most of you barely travel to the north for leisure anyway). Those girls are there just to suck you out of your doing anything, faking anything..So Trinh Hoi, i hope you don't fall into that pithole.

Whats wrong with living your fantasy, whats wrong with vietnamese girls using you for your money and sucking you dry. You must be one of those haters that her husband left for a hot vietnamese girl(s).
Anonymous said…
Tôi thích về Vietnam đế chơi gái tơ. Tại sao phải lấy một cô?
banhbo said…
ve choi gai nhu choi voi quan tai di dong, can than nhe
banh bo said…
ba Ky duyen ghom chet, nhu xac chet neu khong make up, da vay con kieu cang.
Trinh hoi chi loi dung ki duyen de noi tieng.
banh bo said…
xa hoi ben vn rat phuc tap, lam phat rat cao, doi song rat kho, nen nguoi dan rat de tro nen muu mo ,gian lan. do la su that. neu ban co y dinhv e vn lay 1 co, nen tim cac co o duoi que, gia dinh dao duc. con khong chac chan thi dung co lay . mac cong lai kho cho ca dam. ma may ke ve vn lay vo qua cung hay co kieu lam cha nguoi ta . nhieu luc bi bo roi la do loi 2 ben.

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