Trịnh Hội is currently working in Vietnam in a law firm as well as an upcoming movie, "14 Days." There are lots of rumors flying around ever since Trịnh Hội started working in Vietnam. The talks are mainly around the separation between him and his wife Kỳ Duyên. Some suggest that they are splitting up, because Trịnh Hội has found a new love interest in Vietnam. Much talk, but not much confirming news behind the gossips. Fame surely was one the reasons that Johnny Trí Nguyễn left his wife Việt Thi and two kids. We will just wait and see what will become of Trịnh Hội & Kỳ Duyên, hopefully because they are older and more experience with life that they can survive it all.
Pictures from "14 Days"

According to a report from sources suggested that Trinh Hoi was not allowed to leave Vietnam, thus making him not available for two shows line up for him to host, one for Thúy Nga Paris By Night with his wife and second, Vườn Hoa Âm Nhạc & Tiếng Cười from Blue Ocean Music on the 14 & 15 of May, 2008. The reason being was that CSVN believed that Trịnh Hội is part of a group overseas planning to over thrown the current leader of Vietnam and is against communists. If it is the case, I hope he is doing all right. I mean most people coming to Vietnam for work nowadays from the Vietnamese entertainment industry are not going to screw over their business by getting involved any political effort. Even though people wish for changes made in Vietnam. It will just have to wait, maybe in the future or generations after us that something big will take place.
Without knowing anything don't judge others using bad words.
If you know how to write english, you are an intellectual. As so, be considerate to all other vietnamese...