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Ky Duyen's Restaurant In VN

Emcee Ky Duyen will open up restaurant "Memory" in Da Nang, Vietnam. Many Vietnamese celebrities like to have some back up plans or a second hobby. They tend to open up cafe shops, restaurants and other business hoping to be successful by their name. Recently we have singer Lynda Trang Dai's Lynda Sandwiches in Westminster, California. Singers Cong Thanh and Lynn opened up Red Claw back in 2006. The bigger trend is starting businesses back in homeland, Vietnam. Ky Duyen's Memory Lounge is scheduled to open April 9th, 2011. Stay tuned for more information.


Carly said…
Just an update:

Thưa quý vị và các bạn,

Nhà Hàng Memory Lounge mở tiệc khai trường ngày 9 tháng 4, nhưng "chính thức" mở cửa đón khách là ngày 10 tháng 4. Ngày 10/4 KD sẽ có mặt tại Memory Lounge để đón tiếp và chụp hình lưu niệm với thực khách. Quý vị ở Đà Nẵng nhớ ghé thăm nhà hàng của KD nhé! Địa chỉ là 7 Bạch Đằng (nhưng quý vị cứ nói taxi "quán Hana Kim Đình cũ" là taxi nào cũng biết).

Kính mời,

Kỳ Duyên

the lounge will be open for business the follow day which is the 10th of April and Ky duyen will be there. At the end she gives the address the place.
Anonymous said…
Damn girl! Amazing how time has changed isn't it. Good luck to you!
Anonymous said…
It was extremely sucks at the Memory Lounge in Da Nang. I wont ever come back to Memory Lounge anymore. The drink are so tasteless...Also, all the drink so expensive.. The waiters and waitress are not treating customers as nice as well at all.
Anonymous said…
She try too hard to be young again. she maybe will look like her mom, 70 year old and in hoochie clothes. So confidence inside, but insecurity inside. always smile and fake. she compliment everybody so they like her, but ba gia nay so diem!
Anonymous said…
Khi nao co dip di Da Nang, se ghe tham quan thu mot lan xem sao. nguoi Viet that mac cuoi , chi niet post online chui nay no trong khi ban than minh thap kem de tien nen chang biet lam gi ngoai chem gio ma thoi. Mot loi khuyen neu ban than minh khong duoc thanh cong xin cho nen dem nhung loi an tieng noi thieu van hoa, cach an noi cua ban dai dien cho gia dinh va ban than cua ban cho nen can than de khoi bi nguoi khac danh gia , Khi ban chui nguoi, cai mieng ban do ban truoc ma thoi. nen hoc cach xu su cua nhung nguoi biet suy nghi, chi nen noi nhung gi chan thuc va tu cach. Chu nghia hoc duoc khong phai de dem xu dung mot cach thap hen.
Anonymous said…
You may as well close this place down now and save the headache. Let's face it, it a colossal failure because lack of experience and your name is not that powerful as you may think.

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