Comedians Quang Minh and Hong Dao present a tragicomic titled "Những Mảnh Tình." This tragedy and comedy skit is a combination of music, fashion and martial arts. The upcoming show is on Sunday, August 28, 2011 with appearances by Quang Minh, Hong Dao, Nguyen Hong Nhung, Nguyen Khang, Diem Lien, Truong Vu, Ngoc Dan Thanh, Ha Thanh Xuan, Anh Dung, Trang Thanh Lan, Calvin Hiep, My Loan, Luu Viet Hung and special guests MC Viet Thao and Dr. Michael Dao. "Nhung Manh Tinh" tells the stories of five women, five fates, and the men surrounding their lives. Check out some behind the scenes photos below and click on the images to enlarge.
To see more images, click here to visit Quang Minh and Hong Dao's Facebook page. You can find lots of behind the scenes pictures of the tragicomic in the "photos" section. "Nhung Manh Tinh" will play out at Saigon Performing Arts Center in Fountain Valley, California. Ticket prices are as follow: VIP, and then $60, $45, $30. For more info you can call (714) 260 - 8654. Below is an interview of Quang Minh on SET TV to promote "Nhung Manh Tinh."
To see more images, click here to visit Quang Minh and Hong Dao's Facebook page. You can find lots of behind the scenes pictures of the tragicomic in the "photos" section. "Nhung Manh Tinh" will play out at Saigon Performing Arts Center in Fountain Valley, California. Ticket prices are as follow: VIP, and then $60, $45, $30. For more info you can call (714) 260 - 8654. Below is an interview of Quang Minh on SET TV to promote "Nhung Manh Tinh."