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Be Xuan Mai’s All Grown Up!

Since bé Xuân Mai started to become well known in a variety of kids’ music videos, people have been questioning her parents for purposely training her for the entertainment business instead of trying to give her the most “normal” childhood. Critics feel that at such a young age, Xuân Mai is all knowledge about what to say and do in front of audiences and how to pose for the camera. It seems that her parents are all about selling their daughter to make money. As harsh as it sounds, her parents are not ashamed at the way they trained their daughter for the entertainment business when asked.

After being a popular child sensation in Vietnam though numerous of music videos for kids, Xuân Mai was introduced on Thuy Nga Paris by Night. The cute, knowledgeable, respectable, and talented Xuan Mai sweep audiences away. Xuân Mai began to grow and continued to do shows and as well as appear on production videos. Now at an older age, Xuân Mai, 12, poses for the camera revealing another new transformation. Growing up too quickly in front of the public's eyes has its price. What will become of the child star?

My Thoughts: I looked at the “baby” pictures, and I hate to use the word “baby” because she is already “bé” Xuân Mai. She looks the same to me in the “baby” pictures compare to when she appeared on Paris by Night. Xuân Mai doesn’t have that kid look in her but she looks very mature and over grown for her age. It is either an adult who tries to be cute or a kid who put on make-up to be an adult. There is not that natural feel when I see her on videos. Like everything about her, image and speech are taught or so it seems. And now with her older new look, I’m afraid. I feel awkward looking at the pictures, and I wonder what will she do when she is 16? What are your thoughts?



Anonymous said…
không ngờ bé Xuân Mai lớn lại xấu hoắc, tôi có nghe giọng hát của bé từ khi còn bé xiu, nhận xét thấy bé k co gì quá đặc trưng (không lên cao nổi không xuống thấp được - âm vực quá kém), không hiểu sao người lớn cứ khoác cho em 1 tấm áo mĩ miều "thần tương âm nhạc" làm gì
Lillian Phan said…
I think she is spoiled child coz of great fame, too much money.Maybe sooner or later she'll become 'Lilo Junior' or 'Brit Junior'
Anonymous said…
omg seriously you guys have got iet all wrong. she is not that spioled and nor does she have a life different then any of us she is a normal kid attending a normal school. her parents dont want to like sell her out to shows and stuff she just has really good talent and sshe loves to use iet. she is like one of my personal friends and i know much about her so please cut the crap.
Lillian Phan said…
normal school ?!!?? r u kidding me ?
she is studying in IS school now, and I dont think this school is normal
although her parents don't 'sell' her on purpose but if u live in rich , famous family, u r easily spoiled 'coz everything comes to u so easy
btw, i dont think this topic is bullcrap
Anonymous said…
i dont really know about her personal life but she has a great voice but , however, seems like it's not train enough yet. it sounds too kiddy :] no offend , just my opinion.
Anonymous said…
It's true that Be Xuan Mai is talented to sing the baby songs that touch adults' souls and kids' minds. As she grows older, we find that she is not a perfect icon to have an adult's profession vocal. She is only perfect for baby role. It's kind of freaky that she knows how to speak very formal in a cute way like a kid. Her parents sure did train her well for the fame and money.
Anonymous said…
u guys... stop been such a hater !!! If ya can't do wat she did.. so just shut up... n' stop been so mean to her
Anonymous said…
XM is so not spoiled like everyone thinks, she's just a normal kid like anyone of us. She goes through the same things. Just because she's got talent doesnt mean she's any different than the normal kids in life. A lot of us are friends with her so dont be talking crap about her.If you dont know what she's going through and not walking in her shoes, dont say anything that makes yourself sound stupid.
sabrinadiec_11 said…
you know what's funny?? like all of u go against one person...i met xuan mai a lot of time and we talk...sure she's njce but sumtime, she's juust a brat.
i dont like wat she've become, everyone of my friends say she doesnt look as cute like when she's little and now she look relly fat...and her family is damn offense...
sabrinadiec_11 said…
who the heck hack into my acount???
i did not post that messege!
Anonymous said…
she freakin stole my name!!!
i was born with that name but when i came over to her house when i was relly young and she asked me to wite my name in her notebook and now she stole that beautiful name from me! isnt sabrina a beautiful name?!?
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Does anyone know how much money Xuan Mai & her family have? Just because you're a performer, doesn't nessarily mean you're rich. I do think Xuan Mai was cute as a baby, a little coached, but still cute. She looks like an average kid now though. Her singing talent is being challenged as she gets older. She no longer has that edge over others.
Anonymous said…
Dong y la XM hat deu deu, khg gi xuat sac, BUT can your kid do that. Neu XM di hoc hat soon she will be great.
Anonymous said…
Xuan mai is ok i guess..i watch her music videos wen she was a kid everyday coz my little bro likes to watch dem. Now weneva i think of her i think of a little kid not someone whos already 14 years old.. And to her little bro stop swearing i noe u wanna defend ur sister but yeesh its not some peoplez fault dat dey dont like her. U noe dat people are gonna be pissed if u do dat to dem.And please say hi to ur sister 4 me XD
lovelyperson said…
Anonymous said…
you're the best
don't be talking shiet man!!!
you don't know crap about her so STFU
Anonymous said…
She is already using cuss words casually in her tumbler ( twitter .... that is not normal, I'm 16 and I know many others who still think cussing is not good
Anonymous said…
what is xuan mai lifestyles?
Arthur Ngo said…
i go to school with her, i have her for history class :D
yk said…
tu may bi khung roi ha hong bit thi dung co noi all way start some shit!
Carolynn said…
I think this article needs help!!! There are so many grammar mistakes here that makes me want to throw up. Besides I think Bé Xuân Mai was and is a very cute little girl. She looks exactly the same like she used to and I ♥ her Lòng Mẹ duet with Hương Lan. That performance was touching. I am also sick and tired of people picking on this girl. Don't you unfeeling people know that the "Sticks and stones" quote is a lie. These comments would hurt her and she is still a a preteen. Come on! Child performers aren't unheard of. Look at Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen. They're really successful adults. What about Hilary Duff. She was a child actor and singer, but she turned out fine. She didn't do any stupid things like some other child actors do...cough..Lohan. She is very successful and was married last year and now has a baby on the way. She was a great role model for young adults to look up to and if Bé Xuân Mai continues to be a sweet and respectable young lady, then nothing bad will happen. All the best Bé Xuân Mai!
Carolynn said…
I also know that Bé Xuân Mai can sing but I agree with Anonymous at 9:00 pm that her voice needs to mature a bit more and then world watch out!!

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