The last time I spoke of bé Xuân Mai was when pictures of her on the Internet. She was all grown up! But she is even more grown now, and transforming into a beautiful teenager. Nowadays, Xuân Mai is living her life similar to any other teens growing up, having a Myspace, and take fun pictures. She is currently 13 and is heading to the eighth grade soon.
Apparently there was a rumor spreading around in Vietnam that Xuân Mai passed away in the U.S. After speaking with her father, Tuấn Cảnh, he had confirmed that she is doing well and was puzzled by the weird and mean spirit rumor going on in the last two weeks. He also said that Xuân Mai was supposed to be vacationing in Vietnam starting in early July, however she could not because she has to attend summer school in the U.S. Xuân Mai is exceeding in schoolwork, and is ranked among the top best students in her school. In her spare time, Xuân Mai does charity work, teaching singing class in both languages (English and Vietnamese). Xuân Mai likes keep in touch with her fans through her website.

And what mean comments from 1:36 and 3:20? Man, would you guys like it if someone said those things about your daughter?
i thought she was 15... my friend talked to her once backstage in Toronto and she said she was their age (which is 15 now)
Take it easy, she's only 13. Don't expect her to be like Paris Hilton.
AHHAHAHA.. Thats just classic!
She aint that fat, just a little plump and cute
And yeah, I agree, she's over doing the "I'm cute" thing.
I personally have met her irl,
And took a picture with her.
It was only a few months ago!
During Winter Break,
My aunt told me that she had died.
I was like "WTF"!
Her Myspace says otherwise and
She still signs on her AIM sn...
To the people who call her fat:
OMFG you are freaking crazy!
Seriously just bcuhzzz
She's not as thin as a stick,
Does NOT mean she's fat.
Maybe you're just jealous-
And decided to hate on her...
That's why you wrote it as
Yes she looks different now,
But don't judge too harshly on her.
Why don't YOU try to be famous
For your whole life and monitored.
To those who dislike her outfits:
There's a VARIETY of styles.
She might be experimenting,
So it may not be YOUR type!
Sometimes the fashion isn't hers-
Other people might have chosen it..
Some models do that too
but she went a little too fall with her make upand she look older then he age.