[Above, Loan Châu & husband]
Singer Loan Châu has quite a year, releasing her own DVD Điều Ước, which featured singers Don Hồ and Quang Dũng; but the biggest accomplishment yet is the baby girl that Loan Châu and her husband, dentist, Ðặng Quốc Huy will soon share. Rumor sparks back in early March of 2008 of a pregnancy, and indeed the speculation turns out to be true. Loan Châu is expected to be due late July or early August of this year. The singer has already chosen a name for her soon to be baby girl, Bella Ðặng Trân Trân, based on a fictional character from stories that she loves. In the latest contact with the singer, she and her husband are shown to be very excited and happy for the arrival of their first child. The family is residing in Orange County, California where Loan Châu and the baby are both healthy.