“Chuyện Tình Bolsa” AKA “Little Saigon's Love Story” is a newly and upcoming TV drama that will air its first episode on SBTN starting August 19, 2008. The 15 episodes series from Việt Mỹ Film together with SBTN features the beautiful singer Helena Hồng Ngọc, (who is seen as regular on Tình Music Production). Helena plays Lily aka “Người Ðẹp Bolsa,” (Bolsa’s beauty), a 25-salesperson advertising for cell phones.
Be sure to tune in to the newly series on SBTN (available in the United States and Canada). And if you will not be able to view the series on August 19, you can also tune in August 23rd for a rerun of the first episode. The show will last about an hour on SBTN TV. Read more in details about the TV drama as well as Helena Hồng Ngọc in Vietnamese, by clicking here.
Meet the Cast
Frankly, I don't know how Google came up with Helena Ngoc from my search query, but I went with it anyway.
Um, you wouldn't happen to have any such pictures, would you? I'd go get some myself, but I'm in Honolulu now, not OC.
The plot was long and repetitive, the acting was superficial and then... I fell asleep in the middle of the movie....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
it was the best mid-movie nap I've ever had.