Jennifer Pham's television show "Xin Thề Anh Nói Thật" is 35 episodes aired on VTV station in Vietnam. The film received bad reviews due to the similarity in storyline with the film "Cô Dâu Đại Chiến" causing it to be rather boring and repetitive. Leading roles played by Jennifer Pham and Danh Tung seemed fake and dull to watch. There is not much of chemistry to the two. The drama started out promising, but soon felt short and lost audiences' interest over time it was airing. Even with the popularity of Jennifer Pham in Vietnam, she could not save the film. Bad reception and controversies caused a bad taste for audiences.
Look at the similarity between the leading characters' image in "Co Dau Dai Chien" (left) and "Xin The Anh Noi That" (Right). If you'd seen the film, let me hear your thoughts. I haven't seen it, couldn't get pass the trailer.