Ever since the start of Nhu Quynh’s controversial pregnancy in 2007, the singer’s popularity has raised even more. Although many people are criticizing her they are also very curious about her personal life as well. Probably one of the most popular searches on Google is “Nhu Quynh,” Nhu Quynh’s husband, Nhu Quynh’s baby or Nhu Quynh’s wedding.” Everyone wants to know the details behind the pregnancy, the cause of the break up with Andy Quach, her wedding plans and most important her baby’s father. In an interview after giving birth, the singer said she would schedule a public wedding in 2008. Nhu Quynh’s husband, NT, Nicholas or Anh Thang are among the many names given to the mystery man. So who is Nhu Quynh’s husband and what does he look like?
Many people probably know the answer already and had seen the images that circulated the Internet since last year. But a lot of people are still searching for answers and wanting to see those images. Below are some images of what claims to be Nhu Quynh’s husband released all over the Internet forums and websites. Check them out below and make sure to share your thoughts and comments.
If you want to see more pictures of Nhu Quynh’s daughter Melody, click here or visit Nhu Quynh's official website.
u r such handsome guy
so sweet when u smile..
so hot n charming…
send me ur cutest picture..
Hey, guys! why are you so curious to know about personal life of the singers. They are normal like us and need to have husband, wife, children.
Gia đình Như Quỳnh như thế nào bảo đảm mấy trự chỉ giỏi thọc gậy bánh xe chứ biết đếch gì